Study programme title in Est.
Ettevõtlik juhtimine MBA
Study programme title in Engl.
Entrepreneurial Management MBA
TalTech study programme code
MER study programme code
Study programme version code
Faculty / college
M - School of Business and Governance
Head of study programme/study programme manager
Martin Toding
Language of instruction
Self-paid study programme
Nominal study period
4 semesters
Study programme group
Business and Administration
Broad area of study
Business, Administration and Law
Study field
Business and administration
Curriculum group
Management and administration
Access conditions
Bachelor's degree or equivalent. 3 years work experience as a specialist or middle manager in accordance with admission requirements of TalTech.
Study programme aims and objectives
- To meet the learning needs of the individuals who have prior work experience and are interested in personal development and career advancement;
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- To support students’ comprehensive development by providing applied and systematic knowledge and skills in business and management and to shape attitudes which enable careers of a board member, a middle manager or a top specialist, or an entrepreneur in Estonia or worldwide.
- To enable students to plan and/or go through an entrepreneurial process in order to actualise a technology-based business idea and/or establish a technology company as teamwork and interdisciplinary learning, and to provide them with an opportunity to execute their business ideas.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
Upon successful completion of the curriculum, the graduate:
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- has a systematic understanding and broad knowledge of business management concepts and theories;
- evaluates business opportunities and the impact of technology development on doing business in an international business environment;
- applies critical thinking in developing a sustainable business idea and business model based on new technology, and plans the core processes of a company;
- tests a sustainable business idea for the selected market;
- plans ethical, responsible and sustainable strategies for a technology-based company;
- leads an international team in both hybrid, remote and on-site formats;
- pitches business ideas to involve partners and investors.
Graduation requirements
Completion of the curriculum in the required amount, and the successful defence of the graduation paper in conformity with the requirements set by the TalTech Senate. Show more...
In order to obtain Cum Laude diploma the graduation paper must be defended for the grade "5" and the weighted average grade must be at least 4,60, where all grades from diploma supplement are taken into account.
Degrees conferred
Master in Business Administration
Study programme version structure :
Module type
total ECTS credits